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The Diameter of the Bombs

05/28/2021 09:08:07 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

There is a poem by Yehudah Amichai called “The Diameter of the Bomb” that talks about the circles of impact of a single explosion. 

He wrote—

The diameter of the bomb was thirty centimeters
and the diameter of its effective range about seven meters,
with four dead and eleven wounded.
And around these, in a...

The Omer, George Floyd's Murder, and the Essence of Torah

04/23/2021 08:30:36 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

From Passover to Shavuot, there are seven weeks:
Seven weeks from the exodus from Egypt to the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

It’s a period that is a paradox in Jewish tradition:

On one hand, it is a time of rejoicing—

We are celebrating our new freedom and looking...

The Orange and the Omer

04/09/2021 08:30:28 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

I had a friend in high school who claimed that absolutely anything could be compared to an orange. 

A book is like an orange because… it is has a covering that doesn’t reveal everything that is inside.  You have to open it up to get the goods.

Math class is like an orange because… oranges can...

Outrage (Yom Kippur 5781)

09/27/2020 09:00:37 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

When our children were toddlers, they each took a different approach to expressing their anger.  One of them, when upset, would fly into a raging temper.  He would go from calm to kicking-and-screaming in an instant:  stomping, hitting, throwing things.  It was a little scary to parent him when he was like that, but the upshot was that when the anger had finished coursing...Read more...

Carrying It All (Rosh Hashanah 5781)

09/19/2020 05:53:42 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

In my house these last six months—alongside social isolation, concerns about family, running out of our favorite salsa, and managing full-time professional responsibilities while also parenting—the major themes of the pandemic have been Legos, monsters, and fantasy books. 

My children have spent much of this pandemic time building...Read more...

Keep Calm and Curry On (Parashat Shoftim)

08/21/2020 08:30:22 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

I’ve been thinking a lot about the famous British ad campaign from 1939—the one with the motivational poster produced by the British government as they prepared the public for air strikes on major cities:  “Keep calm and carry on.” 

No one could have predicted then the devastation of the Blitz, or the path to building back the city of London after World War...Read more...

Returning to Ourselves Again (Shabbat Nachamu)

08/01/2020 08:56:54 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

When I was nine years old, I began walking to school on my own.  I would walk down the street and sing songs that I made up myself.  That year, during the same six-month period, I also wrote a play that my friends and I immediately started rehearsing.  I briefly played field hockey, which I am sure I was terrible at, but that didn’t matter.  Also, I figured out how to use the program...Read more...

Such times as these (Parashat Matot-Mas'ei)

07/17/2020 08:26:05 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

In the first book of The Lord of the Rings, the wizard Gandalf recounts for the young hobbit Frodo the twists and turns and the confluences of history that have led to the terrible dangers now confronting the Shire, and all the world beyond. 

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," says Frodo.


(No) Reason for Hope? (Parashat Sh'lach L'cha)

06/12/2020 07:30:30 PM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

Last fall, I heard a 2017 interview with the author and journalist Ta-Nahisi Coates on the radio show On Being.  Coates, who is Black, was chafing that he was being asked to give hope to his audience in the face of racial injustice against Black Americans. 

“I was trained as a journalist,” he said. “Journalists...

Unprecedented Times:  A Shabbat Message

06/05/2020 05:00:08 PM


Rabbi Jordi Battis

We are living in extraordinary times.

Are they unprecedented? In many ways, yes. At no time before this one, in all of human history, have issues of public health, educating of children, confrontation of racial disparities, experience of violence in our communities, moments of personal loss (and of personal celebration), and more come together in this way--at a time when we can gather online but cannot to be together face-to-face....Read more...

In the face of our mortality... what are we going to be? (Parashat Acharei Mot-K'doshim)

05/01/2020 07:00:02 PM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

A tale was told by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in the ancient book of Midrash Vayikra Rabbah, about a group of people who were together on a ship.  It was a beautiful day, but as the afternoon wore on, each longed for home and each retreated to his or her own spot to wait out the time.  Gradually, a number of passengers became aware of a grinding, scraping sound coming from near the center of the boat. ...Read more...

Eternally Egypt (Shabbat Passover during COVID-19)

04/10/2020 07:00:59 PM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

We have made it to Shabbat and to the middle part of Passover.  We have made it through whatever versions of seder we may have participated in this year—on our own, or on Zoom, or by video, or some of us may have just had a piece of matzah if we could get some and called it a night.  It is a strange year indeed. 

But, in whatever ways we have celebrated this...

In our sanctuaries (Parashat Vayak'hel-P'kudei)

03/20/2020 07:00:58 PM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

Well, here we are. 

Or, rather:  here we are in this sanctuary, and there you are at home are where you are.  We are together but not together.  A community scattered, but joined in this video stream.  It’s like how we say that all of us were together at Sinai, when we heard the 10 Commandments, even though, physically, we...Read more...

Compassion and Fear (Parashat Mishpatim)

02/21/2020 07:07:01 PM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

The Torah is filled with stories that are full of action and intrigue.  Brothers against brothers.  Love stories.  Vengeance.

It’s also filled with the most basic fundamentals of right behavior:  don’t murder; don’t steal; take care of God’s...Read more...

Categorizing Our Way to Holiness (Yom Kippur 2019)

10/10/2019 09:39:37 AM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

The Thursday before Rosh Hashanah, I reminded our five year old that he would be going on a trip the next morning.  I said, “Remember?  You and Daddy and Gersh are flying down to Florida for cousin Nell’s wedding, and you’ll come back Sunday in time for Rosh Hashanah dinner.”


Being Right (Rosh HaShanah 2019)

09/29/2019 08:52:35 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

There is a long, long tradition of rabbis being 100%, absolutely right.  Just ask my husband.  – Seth, I’m sure you agree?

Take the example of Rabbi Eliezer.  One day in the study house, this learned sage was answering a relatively minor Jewish legalistic question about clay ovens—and no one else there was agreeing with...Read more...

Foreigners (Parashat Balak)

07/19/2019 08:27:00 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis  

There is a lot of debate among rabbis, and within congregations, about how much political speak is okay to have from the bimah: There are some who come to Temple precisely because they want to make meaning of the day’s news or to be galvanized toward something of bigger political purpose than themselves.  There are others who come for a respite, as the one place where they can leave politics behind.   
Judaism is not...

The freedom to serve (Parashat B'har)

05/24/2019 07:10:48 PM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

The week ends.

Look back on it and there are so many and so few hours. Spent in service of so many different things.  Hours that went by quickly.  Hours that dragged on.


Hollispalooza: Body, Soul & Song

05/17/2019 08:29:19 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

נִשְׁמַת כָּל חַי תְּבָרֵךְ אֶת שִׁמְךָ ה' אֱלהֵינוּ

Nishmat kol chai  t’varech et shimcha, Adonai Eloheinu

Let the soul of every living thing bless your name, Adonai our God….

כָּאָמוּר, לְדָוִד,...

Parashat Acharei Mot

05/03/2019 08:37:18 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis and Cantor Hollis Suzanne Schachner

R’ Jordi:

A few weeks ago, we read the story of the death of two sons of Moses’s brother Aaron, who die in the Israelites’ sanctuary in the Wilderness.

Immediately after their deaths, Aaron is initially entirely silent. Our commentators...Read more...

On a rising tide (After Pittsburgh)

11/18/2018 07:14:46 PM


Rabbi Jordi Schuster Battis

I am in a generation that was taught so much about
anti-Semitism and Holocaust,
and pogroms and the Inquisition, and the Crusades.

Always with the message:  Never Forget. 
And always with the message:  Never Again.


Tree of Life (Vigil in the Aftermath of the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Shooting)

10/29/2018 08:42:15 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

In our ark, behind me here, are our precious Torah scrolls. Each one contains the five books of Moses, the most precious and ancient stories of our tradition, written by hand, with intention, and with love. We call our Torah our tree of life, because the stories and obligations it contains, and our interpretations of them through the ages, instruct us over and over again: We were made B’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God; therefore, it is...Read more...

Getting Ourselves Out of Bed

09/18/2018 08:43:56 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

I have a big question that has been looming over me leading up to the High Holy Days this year. It is something I have been thinking about a lot, and it feels really timely right now. It is: Why am I so tired? A peshat, straightforward, simple answer you might give me is: “Um… my friend and rabbi? You are a parent of two very active, four- and six-year-old boys; you are working full time, as is your spouse, you are a rabbi on Yom...Read more...

Under Pressure (Rosh Hashanah 2018)

09/09/2018 08:45:31 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis


The High Holy Days are really… grand.  They are beautiful. They are intense.

They are a lot of pressure. 


Parashat Eikev: B'kirbecha

08/03/2018 08:47:28 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

I’m a rabbi, so it’s probably no surprise when I say that I love Torah. I love the stories and the people and the conundrums, and love that Torah is the shared vocabulary that we play with as a Jewish people. I love how we debate it and create new stories and midrashim to explain things in it. I sometimes even love it when it Torah makes me uncomfortable, because I know that it can inspire good opportunities for reflection and...Read more...

Parashat D'varim: Maybe I Should Panic

07/20/2018 08:47:21 PM


Rabbi Jordana Schuster Battis

I spent the year after college in Israel on a community service fellowship called Project Otzma. We worked in various places around the country, immersed ourselves in Israeli life, and took occasional trips to see sights and to hike. On one trip we were in the far south, hiking and staying in the Negev desert, just outside of Eilat. So, our whole group—I think there were about 60 of us—is hiking with a guide and a couple of young army...Read more...

Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784